neljapäev, 27. mai 2010

Eco-communities come together

This is an invitation to the gathering:)

Living on this beautiful planet is meant to be fun, exciting, fulfilling and harmonious. Somewhere along the way we have lost or forgotten how wonderful this world can be - it's time we start to recreate it together!

We invite you to beautiful Estonia this summer - to rediscover in 4 days many of the ways we can live together as a healthy community.

Estonian ecovillage gathering awaits you on 17th-20th of June, in Vatla, Läänemaa (Westland), Estonia.

Inspired by the works of Kosha Anja Joubert, Martin Stengl (Sieben Linden ecological community in Germany) and Robin Alfred from Findhorn eco-community in Northern Scotland, these four days will be a co-creation by all the participants with the tools of open space, forum and many other social techniques aiding us to share and receive freely. Music and dance will be an essential part of this gathering, as well as different lectures from inspiring community builders from all over Europe.

Aili Pyhälä and Tanja Korvenmaa from Finland and Nara Petrovic from Slovenian ecomovement and Ocistimo (clean-up Slovenia campaign) are going to facilitate the gathering. Ina Meyer-Stroll from Zegg, Germany is going to teach the powerful tool of Forum. Norwegian new era teacher, Vegard Kristoffer Emanuelsen has confirmed his participation as well. We also have a guest from Hawaii, Jeffory Soto, teaching us communications with whales and dolphins. From the Estonian Eco-Village movement we will be glad to share with you a Gaia Education Estonia concept, developed during the last year with 20 ecological educators from around Estonia.

True spirit of community carries the notion that we are all teachers and we are all students to each other. So at the same time as many wonderful teachers are being yet confirmed to be taking part in the gathering - we hope YOU can come and share YOUR gifts with us here!

The gathering is being held on the grounds of an old beautiful manor house of Vatla. Sleeping will be arranged in tents. The donations for 1 day are 11 euros for food and accommodation per person. Write to if you wish to come

Let's start creating wonderful home for all of us!


Tule Eesti ökokogukondade kokkutulekule!
Kas Sul on suveplaanid juba tehtud? Mõtled millegi uue ja huvitava peale!?
Tule sel aastal juba IV korda toimuvale Eesti ökokogukondade kokkutulekule. Sel aastal keskendub kokkutulek gruppide ja kogukondade sotsiaalsele aspektile ning kannab nime "Kogukondadeks kokku tulemine, koos olemine. Kuidas kasvada sotsiaalselt terveks kogukonnaks." Kokkutulek toimub 17.-20. juunil. Vatla mõisas Läänemaal.

Eestis ei ole palju reaalselt koos elavaid ökokogukondi. On Lilleoru, kogukondadest teame Uue Maailma Seltsi. Üle Eesti on veel 10kond toredat ökoküla algatust. Palju on linnaosade seltse ja MTÜ-sid. Kõik on aktiivsed ja tublid. Aga ikka on eestlase probleem see, et ei taha hästi naabriga läbi saada, teist inimest tõeliselt kuulata, näha temas unikaalset väärtust.

Kuidas selleni ikkagi jõuda, et näha teist inimest? Teisi usaldada? Kuulata? Öelda, mis sees tegelikult tunne on? Omavahel koostööd teha ja hästi läbi saada? Neile küsimustele otsimegi seekord vastuseid!

Sellest teadmisest on kasu kõigil: üksikisikutel ja peredel, sõpruskondadel ja seltsingutel, organisatsioonidel ja külakogukondadel.

Teretulnud on kõik!

Lähem info kokkutuleku kohta:

Pikemalt programmist:

Vaata eelmise aasta kogukondade kokkutuleku pilte Karilatsi Talumuuseumist Põlvamaal:

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