esmaspäev, 30. mai 2011

Bioarhitektuuri koolituspäev juulis

toimub 23. juulil kell 10.00-17.00 Viljandi Waldorfkoolis ja on inglise keeles.

Michael Rice, kes on üks juhtivaid bioarhitekte maailmas, räägib meile bioarhitektuurist. Bioarhitektuur on elu ja elussüsteeme loovate, toetavate ja tugevdavate ruumide ja struktuuride kujundamise kunst. Selle aluspõhimõtted on rakendatavad igas eluvaldkonnas harmoonilise elu juhistena, sünni, hariduse, tervise, kogukonna jne juures.

Osalustasu: igaüks valib vastavalt enda võimalustele sobiva vahemikus 30-100 eurot täiskasvanu kohta. Lisandub lõunasöögi tasu kooli sööklas, mis selgub peagi. Osalustasu on selleks, et katta Michael`i ja tema pere sõidukulud Eestisse ja tagasi Iirimaale.

Bioarhitektuurist ja Michael`i tööst saab lähemalt lugeda
Michael`i pere endi kodu pilte saab vaadata aadressil - vaata maja nimega dreamfield.

Registreerumiseks kirjuta ivooglaid (ät) hiljemalt 12. juuliks.

Michael`i kokkuvõte koolituse teemast:

Estonia - Bioarchitecture / Sacred Geometry Seminar

presented by Mike Rice

Sacred Geometry is the name we give to the study and application of ‘shape’. As a practical discipline it has been used for countless generations to inform and regulate human activity, from guidance on the design, construction and integration of our spaces and societal structures, to the coherent pathways of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. As a science it offers us a fresh way to look at the world and gain valuable insight into its workings, such as how the shape of something and its function are interrelated and how evolution expresses itself as waves of energy seeking new patterns of expression and manifestation.

One of the most profound components of Sacred Geometry is the concept of Proportion, or how to ‘fit’ the shape of your dreams (which become your world) into the larger context; and to do so sustainably without any destructive interference. This process is expressed most visually using Fractals, which are shapes and forms that are self-similar no matter what the size. Picture a series of Russian painted dolls, where one doll opens to reveal another and that one opens to present more and so on – all nested and embedded beautifully within each other because of their shape. So by opening our awareness to this way of perceiving the Universe; as a continuous flow of information entering and reentering itself in cycles of time and space, we literally learn how to shape, surf and share the waves of natural emergence. When we apply these pure principles to the informational flow of our lives and can see how they resonate with the larger symmetries unfolding at this time of unprecedented transformation, we can learn new ways to ride these waves of change, individually and collectively. When we inform our design protocols with these same principles we create buildings and spaces which support and enhance life and living systems.

Sacred Geometry provides an energetic blueprint for optimally aligning our thoughts and feelings with the larger cycles being expressed in these times – from natural and manmade disasters, to unprecedented events occurring through our solar system, to new signals coming from galactic centre and beyond. As we increase our consciousness magnification we begin to see that what we may perceive as chaos and turmoil all around us may just be old patterns giving way to something new and more beautiful. The extent to which we resist such movement expresses in the level of pain and discord we are experiencing in our daily lives; but attention to this feedback is the gift that points us to a more integrated and harmonious existence, with ourselves, each other and the Planet.

In this one day gathering we will introduce some of the underlying patterns that are re-emerging, and present some very powerful tools to change the way we perceive ourselves and each other. We will explore new ways to create a future that’s worth remembering, and living a life that’s worth dreaming. In a time where worthless opinion is traded in abundance but truth is in increasingly short supply, Sacred Geometry can return and anchor us to the only reality – the truth of who we are – pure Aliveness - expressing infinite Love, Passion and Playfulness.

Mike lives in Ireland with his wife Heather and five wonderful home educated children, designing homes and spaces based on the art and science of Bioarchitecture. He makes occasional excursions back into the realm of consensual reality to give playful account of his recent delusions – in a desire to see who else is up for learning to fly.

Opening Ceremony

Introduction and course outline

Concept of Waves, Harmonics and Resonance

Sacred Geometry, Fractality and Evolution of Form

Theory and Appreciation of Ancient Sacred Structures

Principles of Bioarchitecture in Design of Space

Grounding and Energy Sensitivity Exercises

Design Protocol and Process Exploration


Closing Ceremony


Seminar jäi kahjuks seekord osaleda soovijate väikese hulga tõttu ära. Kui sooviksid tulevikus sellisel seminaril siiski osaleda, anna teada ivooglaid (at) Loodetavasti saame teinekord uuesti korraldada, kui rohkem huvilisi on.

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